Orange theme Happy Onam Greeting Card, Kerala Women Dancing

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“Note: Please submit correct email & phone. The card will be delivered to the submitted email.

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How to customize this Design

Customize the design by entering your details in the form provided. Delivery in 10-20 minutes.

  Add additional text, images, other details to the card. Use manual customization option .

Include your email and contact information before submitting the details.

Delivery & Download

You can download using the track/download job options in the top menu.

The design will also be mailed to the email provided.

Files can be saved in these formats: High-Quality JPEG.


Onam is a colorful fstival where the members of family gather together, women and children engage in games, songs and dance. The card is designed in kerala thiruvathirakali theme with illustrations of women dancing around.

Manual Customization Option

You can make more customizations to this design as per your requirement.

If you use this option, our design team will instantly get in touch after receiving your order and manually work on the design. You can communicate the changes and get the design instantly in 1-2 hours during business hours. Use the payment link to place the order for making more customizations in this video/card.

Delivery timeline – 30 minutes to 2 business hours.

Use this option,

If you need a priority service (or) Fast track your design.

If you need to add more details like extra characters, names, texts (or) changing the background colour.

If you need to add your own pictures or graphic elements.

If form character spaces are insufficient to submit all your details.

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